Peace! >w<
I was hoping people would feel for Andrew.
Until one day it stopped?
Not quite, close. Andrew has a couple of issues.
I once dreamed people would keep rooms of these as pets
At least your equipment would be safe and sound within the jaws of a mimic.
A lot exist, few live
Are souls canon in IAADITE?
That's a good question. I think I'll leave it ambiguous so we can keep the "how does Andrew even exist" going; I never got an answer in the dream.
Is he actually dead, though? I mean, how would Andrea know about him in order to dream about him?
Yeah, I guess it's how you define it. He's alive enough to exist in Andrea's brain. This is getting into the stuff that was originally from the dream I had about them, so it's pretty surreal.
Look at it like this Andrew: You and you're sister are like SUPER close. Closer than most siblings, in fact
I don't think they could get any closer in fact!
@Tyhond now that's what I call a family dinner ; D
Andrew should have had some one liners like that ready.
Steel worker. I like rabbits!🐇
Steel Worker
Joined on 9/24/23