I dreamed an asteroid hit the Earth and started to cover with it some weird fog like gas that started to change most people. The mutation started on the inside, first people would start growing some sort of strange, metallic spider legs inside of their bodies, they would grow until eventually they would sprung out of people's back, eventually people's chests would burst open, revealing their inside and from then on they would become fully hostile.
Because the asteroid landed so close home, I managed to walk there and find what seemed to be patiend zero of the infection. Some old man (or was it a dude just really sick and unhealty?) chained between the two split parts of the meteor. He barely reacted but he seemed alive, also seemed to be directly connected to the spiders as they would show visible signs of pain when he coughed blood or was conscious. I kept visiting the old man to give him food and keep him alive until one day asked me "Why?"
Why indeed XD Thats the million dollar question, isn't it? I mean killing the old man would also kill every spider, so why not? Specially since these 8 legged retards seemed to just let me waltz into their HQ. I remember leaning on the meteor and think about it? Was it some twisted sense of justice that made me think people deserved it? Nah, I'm not vain to that point. Was it homesickness for a place I don't even know exists? Did I somehow think an empty world would be better? Was me being too lazy and not wanting any responsibilities? Was it me just being suicidal?