Look, Andrew, I get the whole being "betrayed by someone you love sucks" thing but now you're just being prick
Look, Andrew, I get the whole being "betrayed by someone you love sucks" thing but now you're just being prick
Maybe fusing with the physical embodiment of wrath and hunger was a bad move.
Feed him meat
and your souls!
Irish kiss 💚
She'll feel it in the morning.
Cat cannot do the deed.
Them plot armor, Andrea.
Ya know Olivia (Andrew, depending on who's controlling the bun), you can still do the Matrix thing. You buns have the habit of backflipping while simultaniously kicking predators in the face irl
Let's be honest; if Olivia dies here it's because she let it happen. I love Andrea but this match up is not in her favor.
Biology class
Well, children, look carefully! It's the brain, he doesn't need it anymore.
Seems she was aHEAD of you this time...
Her bonk has proved more effective than her stab.
Strongest Cat vs Weakest Bunny
As the only bunny in the comic, I guess she is simultaneously the strongest and weakest.
They say fighting is a sign of a healthy relationship
They do! ...I'm not sure they meant this though.
This isn't starting off so well.
Steel worker. I like rabbits!🐇
Steel Worker
Joined on 9/24/23