Did you ask permission before entering the house?
Did you ask permission before entering the house?
Maybe if she said "please with a cherry on top" things could've gone differently...
Gunrun has some bitchin' armor, I like her already
Yeah, she'll be fun to write as I figure out the flesh and bones of this story.
Welcome back, bunbrother
Thank you! It's nice to be doing art again.
Thank you! >^<
That looks cool af, mate
yo, thanks.
Its all ogre
it's jover
Not forfeiting your wordly possessions to Rabbits is worse than piracy
The bunny mafia is very real
Rooting for you on this, bunbrother
Thank you my brother.
Bun bless you, brother
In name of...
Bless you too,brother :>
Yours and mine :3
Good seeing you two again
Thank you, thank you. Hopefully I'll be posting much more often in the future.
Steel worker. I like rabbits!🐇
Steel Worker
Joined on 9/24/23