Can you tell me more about this festival, friend? My russian friend mentioned it
Can you tell me more about this festival, friend? My russian friend mentioned it
This is an ancient Slavic holiday of sending off winter and meeting spring. Nowadays, it is also celebrated every spring, and for five days we usually bake pancakes.
Sempre suspeitei que eras uma coelha por detrás do ecrã XD
Maldição... Parece que eu quebrei meu disfarce, falta de atenção...
(Ao meu ver isso é um elogio :3)
How have you been, fren? Long time no see
Yeah, everything's fine—except for the huge amount of work I need to get through to live peacefully :D
I'll try to spend more of my free time drawing characters from my stories that have been gathering dust for so long and still haven't been drawn x3
Hope you're doing well too! :3
Man, your best so far, well done
Thanks dude, I also think that this is my best bnuuy draw.
You really did it XD Thank you so much :3 Happy to know you like my bunny memes
Poor. Needs work. Good. Excellent.
And yeahs, figured I'd be funny, and indeed it seems to be. AND it's bringing you joy, and that's like, a good bit of why this comic exsits, to make the pplz who read the original happy!
Classic Andrea XD
Aye, it ain't the cat lassie's fault that the geckos suck at bridge bulidin'!
Oof, this is a painting? :0 Dude, mad respect. This looks great
This one's quite nice, fren :3
THANK YOU!!!!!! :3
Andrea looks pretty cute here
Oh heck, wait really? 2 people have said that now... I thought Tyhond was just being nice, since he's always cool and nice, but the cuteness of this specific Andrea is looking more and more like fact...
I'll study this and see if I can throw more cute into her design then (or throw it out when needed)
Steel worker. I like rabbits!🐇
Steel Worker
Joined on 9/24/23