Shadow the Edgyhog
Shadow the Edgyhog
Warehouse worker too? I got my bicepts there, only that I use both arms
I love heavily armored warriors :3 Remember, safety first, even when you're causing mass carnage
Fancy Shirt Adventure
ACK! Andrea, what they done to you? D:
Real life will really mess you up.
Thank you!
Cute :3
Boy, after the realistic fetus and cat, I knew this was coming, yet somehow it doesn't make it any less surprising. I really like your work, you know that?
Ah, thank you so much! I'm glad I can still surprise.
Wonder how many chickens and people had to die to make that pie
Heh heh heh heh heh....
Steel worker. I like rabbits!🐇
Steel Worker
Joined on 9/24/23