Ohh, ya could've used less great drawings for this wuestion, both look sick!
The taller ones look more scary and threatning, which is the point of Yiewtopia I think, the small ones are more like, something nice that's been corrupted, and also look like there's some small bit of hope in just one moment.
Ya could use both like the one guy said, maybe pull a Little Nightmares and have old adults be super tall with younger adults and teenagers being frigin tiny;
Or since we have Yiewtopians and Cabbits now, make one species smol and the other big (mini-cabits big yiews) as another diffrence between them... and if they are side by side, you could scale up the Cabbit so they aren't far off height wise, but the body type is diffrent, like Olimar in smash bros (man's the size of a bug normally, but in that game he's like, only a bit shorter than Super Mario).
Thanks, friend : D Happy to hear it